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As inflation rises and the cost of living crisis bites, accountancy firms could consider alternatives to pay rises with share schemes as one option There are three options that could potentially help employers and employees alike: 1.           Consider enterprise management incentives (EMI) Employees are granted options to acquire shares at a point in the future

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Three alternatives to a pay rise

The result of the case The Court of Appeal found in favour of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) that certain types of modified crew cab vehicles should not be classed as ‘vans’ for income tax and national insurance purposes but as cars instead. Click here for judgement1. What does the tax legislation say a van

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The “Coca-Cola” Van Case

What is the aim of the PPT? PPT is an environmental tax designed to provide a financial incentive for businesses to use recycled plastic in the manufacture of plastic packaging. Who could be affected by PPT? Businesses that manufacture or import plastic packaging, including if you import packaging which already contains goods. Examples might be

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The Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT)